
Hey there.

We are two friends living on opposite coasts (Brooklyn, New York and Santa Monica, California) that share a passion for living a minimal, zero waste lifestyle and on a mission to help others do the same.

Harper. Lives in Brooklyn with a +1. Sassy pup. Matcha. Wine. Whiskey. Cheese. Proscuitto.

Charley. Lives in Los Angeles with a +1. Doofy pup. Coffee. Wine. Whiskey. Cheese. Pasta.

Blueland Cloud Cloth Review 2023 | Eco-friendly, zero-waste reusable towels

Blueland Cloud Cloth Review 2023 | Eco-friendly, zero-waste reusable towels

We tried Blueland’s Cloud Cloth for a month, and here’s what we thought…

The Top Line: IT’S A BUY. We love Blueland’s commitment to zero plastic and it stays consistent with their Cloud Cloth— no plastic in packaging, made of 100% FSC-certified cotton fibers and cellulose, water-based and VOC free inks, and bleach-free. These cloths are VERY absorbent, reusable (can replace as many as 1,500 paper towel sheets!) and machine-washable. We also like the bold blue colors!

The Breakdown:

  • Cost & Products: $33.30 for for 9 Cloud cloths (more if you buy less at a time)

  • How ‘Clean’ Is This? No harsh chemicals, harmful ingredients, VOCs or plastic packaging.

  • Packaging: The starter kit comes in a recyclable box.

  • Purchasing & Shipping: We purchased on the Blueland website.

  • What’s Your Impact? Each Cloud Cloth can replace as many as 1,500 paper towels. You can reuse and machine wash, throw into dishwasher or boil to sanitize.

The Experience

Context: We have tried a few versions of this by Redecker and DII Swedish Dishcloths and generally love these cloths, they really cut down on the use of paper towels!

  • We love how absorbent these cloths are, much more absorbent than normal paper towels

  • So easy to clean - machine washable, or drop into dishwasher or boil to sanitize

  • We like the bold blue colors (it does a better job of hiding stains than some others we have tried that are white or cream in color), but this really depends on your preference

The Cost

We compared the cost of Blueland’s Cloud cloths with other reusable dish cloths (by Redecker and DII Swedish) as well as traditional paper towels (by Target, Bounty and Marcal). For our calculations, we assume the average family of 4 uses 50 rolls of paper towels (with 100 sheets per roll) per year, and that the Reusable dish cloths are equivalent to 1500 sheets of paper towel:

Money Report: Blueland’s Cloud Cloth is a very reasonable cost when you compare against other Swedish reusable dishcloth options, and definitely less expensive than standard paper towels — if you really wash and reuse it for long enough (roughly ~3-4 months of use).

The Good:

One cloth can absorb 10x its weight in water and replace as many as 1,500 paper towels

Easy to clean and sanitize (throw in dishwasher, boil or in washing machine)

100% FSC-certified cotton fibers

All inks are water-based and VOC and APEO free

EPA Safer Choice, Leaping Bunny (cruelty-free)

Made without chlorine bleach

Vegan, gluten-free, soy and nut-free

The Bad:

No complaints!!

Our Recommendation: IT’S A BUY. We love Blueland’s commitment to zero plastic and it stays consistent with their Cloud Cloth— no plastic in packaging, made of 100% FSC-certified cotton fibers and cellulose, water-based and VOC free inks, and bleach-free. These cloths are VERY absorbent, reusable (can replace as many as 1,500 paper towel sheets!) and machine-washable. We also like the bold blue colors!

We're on a mission to reduce our personal carbon footprint with small, hopefully easy, changes in our home to fight against climate change. This means we're looking for products that may be all natural, ideally zero waste, reusable or compostable -- while still being affordable!

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