
Hey there.

We are two friends living on opposite coasts (Brooklyn, New York and Santa Monica, California) that share a passion for living a minimal, zero waste lifestyle and on a mission to help others do the same.

Harper. Lives in Brooklyn with a +1. Sassy pup. Matcha. Wine. Whiskey. Cheese. Proscuitto.

Charley. Lives in Los Angeles with a +1. Doofy pup. Coffee. Wine. Whiskey. Cheese. Pasta.

Bee’s Wrap Food Wrap 2020 Review | Zero-Waste, Eco-Friendly Alternative for Saran Wrap

Bee’s Wrap Food Wrap 2020 Review | Zero-Waste, Eco-Friendly Alternative for Saran Wrap

The Top Line:

Overall we believe beeswax food wraps to be a BUY, as financially it’s less expensive than traditional plastic wraps if you use more than 6 rolls of it a year —- and it is completely zero-waste as it is reusable and compostable. Bee’s Wrap is the most reputable brand in the industry, boasting their B Corp certification to warrant a slightly more premium pricing than other options out there.

We break it down for you:

  • Cost & Products Included: $18.00 for a 3 pack of beeswax food wraps (1 large, 1 medium, 1 small)

  • Coupons: None, though both options are very cost efficient and available on Amazon.

  • How ‘Clean’ Is This? Basically zero-waste as you can re-use for up to a year. When it is no longer usable, it can be cut down and composted.

  • Packaging: Arrived in 100% recycled paper packaging.

  • Purchasing & Shipping: Easy — available through Amazon, Grove Collaborative, and many other retailers.

  • What’s Your Impact? Dramatic reduction of plastic wrap usage, as well as aluminium foil and ziplock bags.


How Well
Did the Products Actually Work?

For context, I have been using a mix of aluminum foil, saran wrap, parchment paper and ziplock bags —- and looking for ways to bring down my usage of plastic and aluminum.

Bee’s Wrap beeswax food wraps came in a package of 3 sizes (large, medium and small). It smelled lightly of honey, which was unexpected — and really lovely!

Overall great for wrapping food items and covering bowls, though it doesn’t create as strong of a seal as plastic wrap might. There is also a slight residue that the wrap leaves behind on bowls.


1 Year Value

We assume that the average household uses 8 rolls of plastic wrap a year in this cost comparison:

Bee’s Wrap Beeswax Food Wraps: $18.00 Total Annual Cost

Bambeez Beeswax Food Wraps: $12.97 Total Annual Cost

Saran Wrap: $26.52 Total Annual Cost

Switching to beeswax food wraps certainly make sense financially if you are using more than 6 rolls of saran wrap a year!


What We Liked:

✔ Reusable, and claims to hold up for up to 1 year of use (you can compost it at the end)

✔ More cost effective than traditional plastic wrap

✔ Ability to replace most of my usage of saran wrap, ziplock bags and aluminum foil

✔ Packaging is all recyclable

✔ We liked that it smelled lightly of honey!

✔ Non-toxic, biodegradeable, child/pet-friendly, and plastic free, certified B corporation

✔ Naturally antibacterial

What We Didn’t Like:

Slight wax residue after using (see the 3rd picture above). This was expected from what I had read about the product, but still annoying.

Pricey for a beeswax food wrap! $18.00 for 3 piece set (large, medium and small) is one of the more expensive options for beeswax food wraps, but it is still less expensive that your standard plastic wrap!

Doesn’t quite seal a bowl like saran wrap does.

Our Recommendation:

Overall we believe beeswax food wraps to be a BUY, as financially it’s less expensive than traditional plastic wraps if you use more than 6 rolls of it a year —- and it is completely zero-waste as it is reusable and compostable. Bee’s Wrap is the most reputable brand in the industry, boasting their B Corp certification to warrant a slightly more premium pricing than other options out there.

We're on a mission to reduce our personal carbon footprint with small, hopefully easy, changes in our home to fight against climate change. This means we're looking for products that may be all natural, ideally zero waste, reusable or compostable -- while still being affordable!

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